Ms Friday posts

Monday, 6 June 2011

Denim Denim

They claim it doesn't really matter,
But it's in you I believe.
You look past my flaws and polish me with sensuality.
Together we're like a melody.
Denim, Denim

The scent of your blue I long for all day
Your fibre is silk on my skin.
In you I vibre, my physical transforms in wiser.
Denim, Denim

You, one more time is like having a brand new love
Our affair starts at the crack dawn, sliding in you. Dressed
Ends at dark. Undressed
Denim, Denim

I'll tell them

I'll tell them it was one of those times
I'll tell them the only reason why you and I wouldn't be
Was due to thy
I'll tell them the same things written in these lines

It was either you against me
Ill tell them our people didn't live in community
I'll tell them we loved, we lived it and yet hid

I'll tell them you were my breath
A remedy to a heart with disease
I'll tell them we built up a castle
and left unfinished through dismiss

I'll tell them it wasn't you nor me, it was us
i'll explain to them that we were burned down
Time didn't offer a gown
I'll tell them it was a fuss.


Mother nature rains tears from her shattered sky
Blowing her
anger on land from mountains high
happiness through sun from which she shines
I smell your emotions
You're the fruit to my mood

Ms Friday  © 

Nature blessed

Sophisticated features
Designed creature
Nature blessed
She is that kind one,the one they name…
Tender touch
Heated heart
Sunny smiles
She is that kind one, the one they name…
One word...


Ms Friday  © 


peaceful sleeps are on their way
accompanied with mourning black lights
Skinny winds are blowing
With running corns
Lonely nights are calling.
Thirsty eyes are melting
Empty dialogues are preaching
Everlasting is yet to be dominating

Ms Friday  © 


On the dance floor
We’re all a bunch of artists
Painting on the notes an lyrics
of the melody while the heart beats
Pushes the corporal under heat.
Absorbed by the beat, shifting through your feet.
this movement? they call it "Dancing"

Ms Friday  © 


Attractive fields swinging from place to place
Leaving marks in my heart that never heal
Footprints on which I build new bricks
I weeped when I hit the floor
Tried to break through the epic life
Mistakes,they're named
I call them blessings
Forever I ought to treasure

Ms Friday  © 

Danseurs de l'ombre

Danseurs de l’ombre
Lumières éteintes, Loin des regards qui saignent,
Elle s'abandonne à lui, il s'abandonne à elle
L’apothéose, ils l'acquièrent sans traine
À eux seule appartient ce moment de merveille

Malgré ce moment intense, cette sensuelle danse
Comme une espèce de trance
L’ennemi est présent
Il se prénomme le temps

Cette force de l'envie, ces danseurs la vivent seule la nuit
En s'enveloppant sur cette mélodie
S’entre mêle et se démêle
La nuit glaciale, leurs corps se dégèle

Pendant qu'ils profitent de cette euphorie de l'instant
L’ennemi ne prend guère son temps
Comme une douce chanson qui s'achève
Tout s'arrête, comme une trêve

Ms Friday  ©